You can easily track your online store's data using Meta Pixel (formerly Facebook Pixel) in This allows you to gather user behavior data to run better ads. Below are the steps to integrate your data with Meta Pixel Analytics.
Create Meta Pixel
Lets take you through the steps of creating the Meta Pixel, if you are doing this for the first time. Login to Meta Business Account and go to Events Manager and click on Connect Data.
In the Pop up, Select Web and click Next,
Then Select your Dataset or Create new dataset, then click Next,
Choose Set up Manually, then Next,
Choose Meta Pixel then click Next,
Then Finally select Finish button.
Add your Store link to the Allow List
Select your Dataset then go to its Settings option scroll down and select Create allow List
Add your Store Domain Name to the list and Select Close.
Copy the Dataset ID
Select your Dataset (Pixel) Name then go to Settings, then Copy the Dataset ID.
Paste the Dataset ID
Switch back to your dashboard. Go to Settings and then click on Integrations to see all integration options. Click on the gear icon next to Meta Pixel Analytics.
Paste the Dataset ID and click on Save to complete the process.
Test Event Creation
Visit your online store and try to make a dummy purchase. Then, on your Meta Dashboard, go to Events Manager > Data Sources > Your Dataset Name > Overview to see these events live. You should see at least one event, it will be PageView.
Sometimes, it takes a few minutes for the events data to reflect in the dashboard.
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