Can I format Product description in

Can I format Product description in

Yes, you can add text formatting.

We support markdown format in the description column of the Product sheet.

Markdown is a style of writing that helps you to change the appearance of text easily. It uses simple symbols to achieve text effects like bold, italic, heading etc.

Here are some small examples of text formatting using markdown style.

# Heading1
## Heading2

**bold text**

*italicized text*

- bullet item 1
- bullet item 2
- bullet item 3


![storelink logo](

the above text will be formatted as:



bold text

italicized text

  • bullet item 1

  • bullet item 2

  • bullet item 3


You can find more styling techniques in this markdown cheatsheet. Let's see an example in

Add markdown text

Here we have added markdown text under the Description column in your product sheet.

Preview product

This will display the product description as shown below:


Product description is only visible, when you have turned on Product detail page.


To easily write text in markdown format, you can use online editors like StackEdit or Markdownlivepreview.

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