What are Product Variants?

Product variants are different variations of the same product. A single product can come in different sizes, colors, shapes or material. Ideally you will show such an item as a single listing on your store and allow the customer to choose the right variant for them.

For example: You may have a t-shirt that comes in three sizes, small, medium and large and also it comes in two colors, red and black. This means this single t-shirt has 6 different variants.

Let's see how you can add Product Variants in Store.link.

Add all variants in Product Sheet

In your Product Sheet, you will need to add 6 rows for each of the 6 variants.


Product Variants are grouped using the Name column. So make sure to use the same product name in all columns

You may provide different prices for each of the variants. You can see this in the above screenshot.

Configure variants in Settings

Under Settings > Products, you can configure the two columns that will be used to create the variants.

Test your variants

After configuring the variant columns, head on to your online store and check if the variants are working as expected. You will see that all the 6 rows are used for a single listing.

When you change the variant, you will see changes in other product information such as image and price etc.

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