Can I add new fields to the Checkout Form?

Can I add new fields to the Checkout Form?

Visit Design > Checkout > Form fields > Add Field to add a new field to your checkout form.

To add a new field to your checkout form, go to the Design section of your settings and navigate to Checkout. Look for the Form Fields option and click on Add Field.

Fill in the details for the new field, such as type and label, and click on Add to save it. The field will now appear in your checkout form, allowing you to collect additional information from customers during the checkout process.

We provide seven Custom Field Types that you can choose from.


Ideal for collecting small piece of text data

Text area

To accept larger piece of texts, such as address


Add options that user can select from a dropdown list


To add a multiple choice question with single answer


To collect date information (Delivery date)


To collect time information (Delivery time slot)


Use this type if you just need to display a text. (not collecting data)

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