How to update products from AppSheet

You can use Google Appsheet to add or update new products in your store easily from your mobile phone.

You need a few steps to make AppSheet work with

  1. Go to Bots in the left sidebar and click on 'Create my first Automation' button.

  1. Click on "Create a new bot" button

  1. In When this EVENT Occurs section, choose "A Products record is created, updated, or deleted"

  1. In Run this Process section, select "Send a notification"

  1. On the right side, Choose the following options

    • Type: 'Call a webhook'

    • Url: (replace with your actual store link)

    • HTTP Verb: POST

Your final settings should look like the following image:

By setting up this, we will know when you make a change in your products sheet and we will update the store accordingly.

In Short:
Create a bot that calls a webhook notification when the product sheet is updated.

The webhook should send a POST request to the URL ''

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